You can now choose to have just a membership, a membership with Sioux Empire Paddler license plate decals or just Sioux Empire Paddlers Nonprofit license plate decals. Each set comes with two decals (front and back plate). These decals go on “w” (Nonprofit) South Dakota License Plates. This does not include the plate; you will need to pick the plate up at your local motor vehicle registration location if you don’t already have one. Profits from the license plate decals will be split between our Launch Committee and our River Park Project.
Join a great paddling organization to meet other paddlers in the area and join in some of our fun paddling events. By becoming a member, you help our organization improve paddling in the Sioux Empire area.

2024-2025 Membership:
- FREE Decals (Sioux Empire Paddlers and If Found Contact decals)
- FREE winter Pool sessions hosted by SEP
- Planned trips to whitewater destinations, organized trips and local waterways
- Opportunity to sign up for Kayak Instructor Workshops
- Option to nominate yourself or someone else to be on our board of directors
- Opportunities to teach paddling classes
- Helps benefit current club projects
- Organized river cleanups
- Yearly memberships good through December 31st of each year
- Renewal for the next year membership starts on September 1st of each year
- Free registration of boat(s)
- Access to our ‘Sioux Empire Paddler Members’ private Facebook page.
Lifetime Memberships:
- Includes all yearly membership benefits and opportunities
- Preseason group orders at NRS + Free Shipping (some restrictions do apply please contact for full details)
- Individual lifetime members get five (5) free yearly memberships to give to family or friends. These five free yearly memberships can be given away at anytime for either individual or family memberships.
- Family lifetime members get ten (10) free yearly memberships to give to family or friends. These ten free yearly memberships can be given away anytime for either individual or family memberships.
- Free rafting down our Sioux Empire River Park Project for Grand Opening when it is complete. All gear will be provided.
- Lifetime memberships last forever! No more buying yearly renewals.
2024-2025 Individual Membership – $30.00
2024-2025 Year Family Membership – $50.00
Lifetime Individual Memberships – $250.00
Lifetime Family Memberships – $450.00
You can also mail your membership fees:
Sioux Empire Paddlers
320 S 2nd Ave
PO Box 6
Sioux Falls, SD 57101
Please include address, name and email with mailed membership