September is the first month members can renew and have their membership valid through 2018. New members that join after 9-1-17 will also have active memberships from the day they sign up through 2018.
With September being a great renew month, we thought we would add a little extra reason to renew or join. For the full month of September we will take 50% of all funds made from memberships and put them towards our whitewater park fund. This is a great way to help raise funds for the whitewater park and become a member at the same time. The money for the whitewater park fund will help go towards the remaining engineering fees that are needed for tests, studies, designs, and permits for the whitewater park. More information on the whitewater park here:
The other half of funds from memberships goes into our general fund which helps pay for out ACA PAC membership, pool sessions, events, insurance, storage, and anything

club related. These fees help our club running smoothly throughout the year.
A membership will include 4 to 6 free winter pool sessions which are great for you to work on rolling, safety skills and wet exits. We do a potluck every September this year is on 09/10/2017. We also plan for a lot more member paddles in 2018. Our 2017 season got extremely busy with kayaking classes that we were able to offer to more than 180 students. In 2018 we are looking at doing less kayak classes and more events and paddles to get our members together and on the water more often.
Please help out the club and whitewater park by renewing/signing up today. 2018 Memberships:
Thank you.